From cottages to castles, labradors to lurchers, commissions of any animal, bird or architectural subject are considered, but no humans. Catriona employs a bird’s eye view to highlight garden features such as knot gardens and potagers. Her larger than life animals occupy the foreground in a different scale from their surroundings. Prices start at £750 for a single animal portrait and from £2,500 for house, garden and animal portraits.
Please contact Catriona by email to discuss a commission. Catriona is happy to visit you to discuss a picture or she can work from photographs. After deciding the content of a commission she produces a sketch to the size you have agreed for the painting, for you to approve and make any suggestions before she commits the subject to paint. For this she charges a fee of £250 as a deposit, which is then taken off the final price of the painting.
The gallery below shows previous commissions with details to show features.

Please contact Catriona to discuss a commission.